Rabbi Kennard is available to speak on topics such as :
Is there a God?
Who Wrote the Torah?
The Myth of "Rabbinic Judaism"
Science and Judaism: Discord or Harmony?
The Transformative Power of Jewish Learning
Seeking Spirituality
Will We Have Jewish Grandchildren?
What is a Jewish Identity?
From Jewish Identity to Jewish Commitment and Beyond
Why Be Jewish?
Why Do Bad Things Happen to Good People?
Finding Reasons for Mitzvot
Should We Take Midrashim Literally?
The History of the Jewish Bookshelf
Masada versus Yavneh - Then and Now
The Ten Words That Summarise Judaism
Shabbat in the Twenty-First Century
A Guide to "The Lonely Man of Faith"
Modern Orthodoxy: Are We Living Up To The Name?
Jewish Education in Australia: Contemporary Challenges
Eight Days a Week: Why Chanuka Lasts Eight Days
The Pesach Seder: Using Memory to Create the Future
What's the Torah About? A Drama in Five Acts
Rashi's Methodology
Why I Am A Religious Zionist
and the many hundreds of textual shiurim that are found in the archive on this site
Mathematical Topic
To Infinity and Beyond